How is she doing?
We have had Madilyn home for almost two weeks now, and she has been doing really well.
When we first brought her home we had to take her in every other day for blood work. This was not fun for her at all. After being in the hospital for a month, Madilyn is not happy about seeing Doctors, and especially about having blood drawn.
Madilyn's potassium level has been the main thing we've been watching, even though she's on a low potassium diet. Since coming home, she has been on a medicine called Kayaxelate to control potassium. It's a pretty gross medicine, and she has to take 40ml of it (not bad for an adult, but Madilyn hates it).
You can tell by the picture below that Madilyn's color is still quite not right. This is due to the anemia, she'll also be anemic for a while as her kidneys recover (kidneys are in control of how many red blood cells you produce).
Last week, Madilyn was able to go to Pre-school. She was so ready to go and meet her teacher and new friends.

Here are the things we need you to pray for:
- Pray for Madilyn's kidney function to keep improving...Madilyn's kidneys have improved from 20% when we left the hospital, to 40% at her last visit. Some of the other HUS moms have told Jennifer that this part of recovery could take around a month.
- Today we are taking Madilyn into the lab to draw blood and check her levels. Please pray for her to not be afraid, and for it to go smoothly. Also, we are praying that her levels have improved to 80% today!
- Keep praying for our family as we wait to see where she will end up. There is nothing we can do but wait and see, so pray for God to give us peace while we wait.
For His Glory,
The Rascos
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