How is she doing?
First off, the great news is that we were able to bring her home on Tuesday afternoon. All her labs came back good, and we were able to pack up our hospital room and bring her home!!

This is Madilyn's first nurse, who also happened to be her last nurse! Thank you Nurse Kim, and all the other amazing people who took care of her for the past month.

Now the recovery continues at home, and we could really use your prayer for the next few weeks and months as she heals. We are finding out more and more about the kidneys, and we've learned that they are an interesting organ that is very difficult to predict.
Here are the things we need you to pray for:
- Pray for Madilyn's kidney function to keep improving...Madilyn's kidneys are filtering at just over 20% right now. This number has been going up steadily, and we want that to keep improving until it gets to 100% or very very close!
- We now have to take Madilyn into the lab to draw blood every other day...this is very traumatic for her, and she does not like it. Please pray for us to endure, and to be able to help her have peace about this and ease her pain.
- Keep praying for our family as we wait to see where she will end up. There is nothing we can do but wait and see, so pray for God to give us peace while we wait.
Quote of the day - when we brought her home, Madilyn must have said 10 times "I'm so glad to be home"...usually that was followed by a hug and I Love You.
For His Glory,
The Rascos
Helpful that I mean it's not over yet just because she's home. It is good however she is with those she loves and who love her.